
Голливудская актриса превратила операцию по удалению груди в веселое шоу

Аньела Макгинесс пережила двойную мастэктомию и теперь вдохновляет других женщин, рассказывая о своей борьбе с раком в юмористических фотосессиях.

Когда врачи поставили Аньеле Макгиннесс страшный диагноз – рак протоков молочной железы, 32-летняя женщина не впала в отчаяние. И использовала в борьбе с болезнью весь свой талант комедийной актрисы. Медики обнаружили у нее опухоль в сентябре 2014 года, всего за три дня до превентивной операции по двойной мастэктомии. Удалить грудь Аньела решила из-за смерти матери, которая скончалась за год до того от рака яичников. В итоге голливудской актрисе удалили не только молочные железы, но и матку с яичниками. Так же Макгинесс прошла полный курс химиотерапии. К счастью, рак был диагностирован на ранней стадии, и сейчас Аньела полностью здорова.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Аньеле удалили не только молочные железы, но и матку с яичниками. Так же Макгинесс прошла полный курс химиотерапии. Фото: EAST NEWS.


Аньела до операции. Фото: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS

Актриса решила запечатлеть весь процесс своего лечения в серии забавных снимков, снявшись в фотопроекте «Мой выбор груди» (#MyBreastChoice). Готовясь к операции, Аньела сфотографировалась топлесс в образе Клепальщицы Рози — героини культового американского плаката «We Can Do It!» (Мы можем это!).

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Готовясь к операции, Аньела сфотографировалась топлесс в образе Клепальщицы Рози — героини культового американского плаката «We Can Do It!» Фото: EAST NEWS.

Позже, уже после операции, Макгинесс снялась в костюме невесты Франкенштейна: шрамы, украшающие ее плечи — это грим. А вот отметины на груди — настоящие, оставленные скальпелем хирурга.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Уже после операции, Макгинесс снялась в костюме невесты Франкенштейна. Фото: EAST NEWS.

Потерю волос после химиотерапии Аньела пережила, сфотографировавшись в виде пластиковой куклы. Все это актриса делает для того, чтобы рассказать другим женщинам о важности ранней диагностики рака груди. Причем делает она это позитивно, с помощью фотографий, которые вместо чувства страха перед болезнью и неизвестностью вызывают положительные эмоции и доказывают: после операции жизнь продолжается.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Потерю волос после химиотерапии Аньела пережила, сфотографировавшись в виде пластиковой куклы. Фото: EAST NEWS.

– Я хотела, чтобы все поняли, какие эмоции ты переживаешь на каждой стадии борьбы с раком, – говорит Аньела. – Юмор в фотографиях помогает людям переварить эту тяжелую тему. Это ложка меда в бочке дегтя.
Аньела признается, что перед операцией она была сильно напугана тем, как будет выглядеть ее грудь.

– Перед операцией я рассматривала в интернете снимки груди после мастэктомии, и я была в ужасе, – вспоминает она. – «Вот оно, твое будущее», – говорила я себе. Эти снимки — единственное, что видят решившиеся на операцию женщины. Поэтому я решила сделать совсем другие фотографии, чтобы показать: все не так страшно.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Все этапы лечения актриса запечатлела в фотопроекте «Мой выбор груди» (#MyBreastChoice). Фото: EAST NEWS.

Актриса решила не делать сейчас операцию по реконструкции соска, полагая, что шрамы на груди дают ей возможность донести всю важность проблемы. Позже, если она передумает, она сможет восстановить соски с помощью татуажа или использовав протез. Другим женщинам, столкнувшимся с раком, Макгиннесс советует как можно раньше обратиться за медицинской помощью и сосредоточиться на том, что вы любите.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

– Юмор в фотографиях помогает людям переварить эту тяжелую тему. Это ложка меда в бочке дегтя, – считает она. Фото: EAST NEWS.

– Будьте открыты, и люди потянутся к вам. Вы будете удивлены, когда увидите, кто придет к вам с сочувствием — возможно, это будут люди, от которых вы ничего подобного не ожидали. Сосредоточьтесь на том, что у вас есть, а не на том, чего вы лишаетесь. И главное — смейтесь. Вы имеете право делать глупости. Кто вас осудит? У вас же рак.

Аньела создала свой сайт «My Breast Choice», а так же ведет «Инстаграм», где выкладывает свои фотографии. Актриса участвует в благотворительных мероприятиях и устраивает встречи в группах поддержки онкобольных.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

– Перед операцией я рассматривала в интернете снимки груди после мастэктомии, и я была в ужасе, – вспоминает она. Фото: EAST NEWS.

– Во время лечения потратьте те немногие силы, которые у вас останутся, на то, что вы любите, занимайтесь тем, что приносит вам радость, – советует Аньела. – То, что заставит вас смеяться. Отпустите прошлое, потому что оно будет тянуть вас вниз, и не беспокойтесь о будущем.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

– Вы имеете право делать глупости. Кто вас осудит? У вас же рак. – уверяет Аньела. Фото: EAST NEWS.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Актриса решила не делать сейчас операцию по реконструкции соска. Фото: EAST NEWS.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

Аньела признается, что перед операцией она была сильно напугана тем, как будет выглядеть ее грудь. Фото: EAST NEWS.

Exclusive feature:  Aniela McGuinness is a very brave and very playful 32-year-old actor from Hollywood, Florida. She decided to document her breast cancer journey through a series of photos titled 'My Breast Choice'.   McGuinness was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in September 2014, just three days before she was due to have a preventative mastectomy and just over a year since her mother had died from ovarian cancer. The young actor underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and a complete hysterectomy. Thankfully for McGuinness, the cancer was caught early. In the mean time, she wanted to document her journey through photos that would evoke humour and a little joy.   "I wanted people to feel the array of emotions that exist in every stage of a cancer diagnosis and treatment and to know that each are valid and worthy. By adding humour to the images, it makes it easier for people to digest a hard topic. It is the 'spoon full of sugar' method," says McGuinness.   Prior to her operation, McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter and the Bride of Frankenstein after. The actor has chosen not to have a nipple reconstruction for now, because, as someone who jokes around a lot, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that not having nipples would give her. However, if she changes her mind, she can always get them tattooed or use prosthetics.   For other women around the world facing cancer, McGuinness advises to ask for help and focus on doing what you love.   "Be open and vulnerable and let people in. You will be surprised at who shows up, it may not be who you expected. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't. Laugh, you are allowed to be silly. What is anyone going to say? You have cancer".   "During the treatments for cancer, spend what little energy you have on doing things you love - activities that bring you joy, make you feel playful, make you laugh. Let go of the past because it will just weigh you down and don't worry

К счастью, рак был диагностирован на ранней стадии, и сейчас Аньела полностью здорова. Фото: EAST NEWS.


RIP nipples. You left this earth before you got a chance to do the job you were evolved to do but know you have left a legacy that has helped countless others. #freethenipples #anniversary #mastectomy #doublemastectomy #mybreastchoice #breastcancer #brca #breastcancerawareness


I am topless on campus! #publicspeaking #mybreastchoice #breastcancerawareness #mastectomyphotoseries #brca #browardcollege #alumni

Автор: Наталья ТУБОЛЬЦЕВА

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